April 1st of this year is your mayoral election and Robert H. Seminary is running for that honored position.
Your current mayor is Linda Lucassen and before you cast your ballot, there are things to know.
Linda Lucassen was the mayor and boss of former Round Lake Park police chief George Filenko and the current mayor and boss of chief Dan Burch. Both whom she supervises / supervised and both who were and are employed fully at her discretion.
Mayor Lucassen was mayor and had full knowledge of George Filenko, her appointed employee, and his involvement in being sued for harassment by one of Round Lake Park’s dedicated and decorated police officers while acting as police chief over this officer. Lucassen did nothing.
Lucassen had full knowledge about the current false confession and imprisonment cases of Melissa Calusinski and Marni Yang and Filenko’s direct involvement in leading the two investigations, which now have gained national attention and support to free both falsely imprisoned women, and Lucassen did nothing. When freed, resident’s of the village of Round Lake Park should be concerned if they will be named in a lawsuit for Filenko’s potential police abuse and criminal conduct and how much this may financially effect the residents.
Lucassen was mayor when her own police officers showed her evidence that former chief Filenko and current Round Lake Park Police Chief Dan Burch, were allegedly using a setting called “record after the fact” on the WatchGuard police body camera settings, to spy on Round Lake Park police officers while in the bathroom, conducting personal hygiene, and many other intimate, personal and private events. Lucassen was showed visual evidence of both male and female police officers urinating, defecating and conducting feminine hygiene care and was notified that it was her responsibility to contact an outside agency to conduct a criminal investigation and to immediately remove Filenko and Burch from their access and positions in the police department to prevent them from manipulating evidence, and Lucassen did nothing. That lawsuit cost the Village residents monetarily.
Lucassen was mayor when she received itemized evidence of misconduct and potential criminal activity from within the Round Lake Park police department, as was every member of the village board in the year 2016 and Lucassen did nothing to investigate credible, factual evidence which corroborated accusations of criminal and official misconduct by her current police chief George Filenko and Deputy Chief Dan Burch, and Lucassen did nothing.
Lucassen was mayor and had full knowledge of Round Lake Park current police commander Hector Lepe being accused of using his village issued iphone to view pornography while working on duty as a police commander for the village of Round Lake Park in 2016. Lucassen had full knowledge of Filenko’s dismissal of any and all internal charges of police commander Lepe with Filenko’s full discretion and no accountability or discipline and Lucassen did nothing and Lepe continues to serve as a commander for the village of Round Lake Park. Lucassen had further knowledge that it was alleged that current commander Lepe had been involved in the utilizing of police body cameras to conduct illegal spying on village of Round Lake Park officers which cost the village financially and Lucassen did nothing but she kept commander Lepe employed and with his rank.
Under Linda Lucassen’s tenure as mayor the Round Lake Park police department has been allowed to operate with misconduct and potential criminal activity, while under the former direction of police chief George Filenko and current police chief Dan Burch. Lucassen had full knowledge of the practice of civil rights violations such as illegal seizure of citizens, under the pretense of community service, improper police conduct, including harassment of specific targeted individuals and current investigations into false imprisonment by her police, racism and profiling on residents for criminal arrests and more.
Lucassen has proven she is inept, unable and unwilling to properly serve as the mayor of the village of Round Lake Park and her damage to the village and citizens can only be corrected by electing Robert Seminary in this next election. Vote for your village, not for a person who has abused your trust.

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